At West View, we strive to maintain or improve service users' quality of life

At West View, we strive to:

  • Provide a service that maintains or improves the service user’s overall quality of life
  • Maintain a domestic-style environment as far as possible
  • Encourage active independence where possible
  • Ensure that the service maintains a flexible approach which allows us to meet the changing needs of the service user
  • Respect the service user’s right to make informed choices and take risk
  • Ensure that the service is provided in a non-discriminatory way and that the needs and values of each service user are respected, as set out in our Residents' Charter
  • Manage and implement a formal programme of staff planning, selection, recruitment, training and personal development to enable service users’ needs to be met
  • Manage the care service efficiently and make the best use of resources available to provide best value for the service user
  • Provide the care service in line with National Care Standards, Terms and Conditions and the information agreed on their personal plan
  • Ensure that all service users receive written information on the home’s procedure for raising and handling complaints and how this is put into action.


All service users or potential service users can request help from their relatives, representatives and solicitors or use the Advocacy Service where they need help or advice with their personal business. Where necessary, the Manager will assist the service user in making arrangements for an advocate.

West View's local Advocacy Service is:

People’s Advocacy and Support Service (PASS Direct)

11 Buccleugh Street



T: 01387 247237

Health Care:

Residential care homes are not nursing homes and medical and nursing treatment is not allowed to be given by care home staff. Nevertheless, care, within the concept of family care, is given as appropriate to the needs of the service users. In this respect, the home will liaise with doctors and community nurses to ensure correct care is given. The home’s care is supplemented by appropriate visits from doctors, community nurses and other health care professionals who may give more treatment within the home.